Opening time: 14h30 - 17h30
This item gathers the teachings given by His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa during two retreats on the preliminary practices:
- In August 2003, during the Mendrup ceremonies that took place in the presence of Kyabje Bairo Rinpoche and Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche. His Holiness begins with the refuge, the bodhicitta, Vajrasattva and the mandala offering
- In December 2003, whence His Holiness completes the teachong on the Ngondrö with the "Guru Yoga"
Venue: Drukpa Plouray
Date: August 2003 / December 2003
Format: MP3 (recorded from audio tape)
Number of discs: 5 cd
Teaching transmitted in English
French translation by Lama Namgyal